Hi Friend,
First and foremost, how are you? I pray that this message finds you with uplifted spirits full of hope and expectancy and if not, please know that God will see you through, even when there seems to be no way.
I’ve had a lot of time to reflect these past few months as I found myself in a place of discontentment. I felt as though I was just going through the motions of life instead of really living and being true to who God created me to be.
Have you ever felt this way?
For me, my discontentment was manifesting in the area of my ministry. I felt as though I was just
doing things out of obligation and routine instead of the deep-rooted conviction I had when I first
started my work.
I asked God where I missed it and of course, He gently brought my attention to the posture of my
heart. He showed me that at some point I put my faith in the methods of man rather than riding the wave of His grace for me and my life.
Pheeeeeeew, can someone say shook?
Truth is, God called me to start She Speaks Fire back in 2018. He instructed me to use my gifts to encourage His people but somewhere along the line I took my eyes off my assignment and decided I needed to do more. I saw how other women of God were running their ministries and decided that’s what I needed to do also.
In short, I put on someone else’s armor instead of fighting the way God called me to fight. The problem with using someone else’s armor is, that sucker is heavy, it doesn’t fit, it’s uncomfortable and keeps us from fighting effectively.
God has called me to encourage and build up the Body of Christ through my words, poetry,
coaching and speaking, but I abandoned the mission to try and build an empire instead of focusing on the unique part that God gave me to build His Kingdom.
Perhaps She Speaks Fire will one day be a thriving worldwide woman’s ministry with home groups, curriculum, conferences, and more but for now, it’s just me. It’s just me answering the call that God gave me back in 2018 to use my gifts to serve His people.
I’m putting down the toil.
I’m releasing the need to be important in my own eyes or the eyes of others.
I’m returning to my first love and allowing the work of my hands to reflect it.
This ministry was birthed out of a burden to make Him, and His truth known with the tools He gave me to do so. I have a passion to activate the Body of Christ in their purpose and God-given identity because I know what it’s like to have neither.
Jesus set me free. He freed me from my shackles, and He took away my shame. He opened my eyes and showed me who I really was. His yoke truly is easy, and His burden truly is light. We just complicate it sometimes. He opens the doors for us that need to be opened; we don’t have to force anything but simply ride the waves of His grace in every season.
My fire is back ya’ll and I am happy to announce something major… you ready?
Your girl is about to be a published author. Crazy right? I signed a book deal with Harper
Collins- Nelson Books and will be pouring out my heart for you all in a tangible way. God
opened this door for me, it wasn’t something that I was looking for but rather something that found me. My manuscript is due by April so please keep me in prayer.
I want to encourage you to be yourself and operate the way God created you to operate. Don’t look to the left or to the right but keep your eyes up and let Him lead the way.
I’d like to reintroduce myself.
Hey, I’m Mariela Rosario aka She Speaks Fire. Thank you for allowing me to be even a small part of your journey on this side of heaven. As a fellow traveler, I may not get it right all the time, but I will always do my best to keep it real and point you to the One who never fails.
God loves you and so do I.
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follow: @shespeaksfireco
All I got to say is: LOVE, love for you, you’re so beautiful and your words are so helpful. Thank you so much and Glory be to God
You are so kind and your message has blessed me. Thank you for the encouragement.