I’ve had a lot of time to sit, think and reflect on this season. I’m so grateful for the grace of God. I’m grateful for His loving kindness and tender mercies that are new every single morning. I’m grateful that He leads me and guides me into all truth. I’m grateful for the breath that’s in my lungs even when I catch myself holding it out of fear and anxiety.
I find that I hold my breath most when I am carrying weight that was never mine to carry.
Can you relate?
I don’t know about you but I’m somebody that likes to have things all figured out. I’m the type of person that naturally likes to make a way for myself (typically in toil) so I can bask in the satisfaction of what my hard work has produced.
But can I tell you something? Performing, striving, overworking, and trying to attain will never trump the rest of God.
To rest in God is to operate from a place of surrender.
To rest in God is to operate from a place of trust.
To rest in God is to allow His Spirit to lead you in the way you should go instead of doing your own thing.
Don’t get me wrong, God calls each one of us to our own work so resting in God doesn’t mean that we live idle lives. The Kingdom of God is always moving and we are a part of that movement!
The rest of God will carry you. The peace of God will sustain you. The power of God will empower you.
And it’s FROM that place that we DO great things.
It’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of our culture but I encourage you to not get caught up.
It’s easy to ascribe to the narrative that tells us we must prove our worth and seek outside validation to be deemed important but again, I encourage you to not get caught up.
Everything that we do must come from a place of knowing our identity. Everything that we do must come from a place of knowing who we are and Whose we are.
I invite you, along with me, into the rest of God where everything we need on this side of heaven is found.
God loves you and so do I.
Matthew 11:28: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
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