August 28, 2022

Release The Weight Of Your Burdens

Hey dear friend,

I pray that this message finds you well and that you are growing in greater intimacy with our Father. As believers, I think that we sometimes buy into the idea or thought that because we follow Christ that our life should be easier and void of trouble. We’ve equated calm and happy times with the blessings and favor of God.

What I love about our Lord Jesus Christ is that He can be trusted.

See, He told us the cost of following Him up front while the enemy hides the price that we will eventually pay when we walk our own way. Jesus told us in John 16:33 “I have told you all this so that you
may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

As believers, this means that we will eventually have to learn how to deal with the burdens of this life with an assurance that God has not abandoned us. But how? I have found much comfort in Psalms 55:22 which tells us to cast our burdens upon the Lord because He will sustain us and will never allow the righteous to be moved. 

Do you know that you are righteous?

Do you know that your righteousness is not based on your good behavior or anything outside of your faith in the finished works of Christ? 

Friend, wherever you find yourself today know that you can release the weight of your burdens. You can cast them upon the Lord while resting assured that He will sustain you because you are righteous and He has promised that you will never be moved. 

I now understand why God told us to walk by faith and not by sight because our sight can deceive us into thinking that God is not near because of the burdens we often carry in this world. By faith, we must cast them upon the Lord and allow Him to sustain us. 

The Word tells us that the trying of our faith leads to patience causing us to form into perfect men and women wanting nothing (James 1:3-4).

As I meditate on that verse I realize that to be at a point of wanting nothing is to truly have our eyes on heaven and heaven’s reward which is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We know that as long as we have Him, we will be okay. 

I pray that you know that He is enough and that peace is your portion.

If you’ve been carrying your own burdens and are afraid to let them go, I encourage you to stand on the promise that God will sustain you and never allow you to be moved when you hand them over to Him. 

 You are loved by God and you are loved by me.

 – mariela

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